As a Participating Provider for the PA Department of Health Chronic Renal Disease Program (CRDP) Transportation Program, the Kidney Foundation of Central Pennsylvania distributes reimbursement for public, shared ride, and non-emergency transportation expenses incurred by qualified dialysis patients in our region.

Who Qualifies

You must be an active member of the CRDP Program before you can apply for transportation benefits. Please be advised, the transportation assistance is limited and you must meet the eligibility guidelines detailed on the application in order to receive the benefits.

Program Application

CRDP cardholders: print the application form and ask your social worker to assist you with completing it. Please note: the completed application must be sent to the Kidney Foundation of Central Pennsylvania.


Learn More About CRDP

The Kidney Foundation of Central Pennsylvania has compiled an information sheet on the Chronic Renal Disease Program and all of its benefits.

Learn More