Employer Match Program
Because the Kidney Foundation of Central Pennsylvania (KFCP) is not affiliated with any national organization, every dollar raised here STAYS HERE in our 28-county region, helping thousands of people and their families impacted by kidney disease.
The KFCP is supported almost exclusively by private funds obtained from donations, estate gifts, memorial and honorary donations, vehicle donations, and by contributions through our affiliation as an Associated Health Agency with the United Way of the Capitol Region, and other United Way agencies across Pennsylvania.
As a way to encourage giving, many companies offer to match their employee’s charitable contributions. Most corporations have guidelines that the non-profit organization and employee must meet before a donation can be matched. Your company’s Benefits or Human Resources Department can give you more information about their program and should also have the proper form to complete. Mail your form, along with your contribution, to KFCP at the address below. We will verify your matching gift eligibility and return the form to your employer.